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You are here because...

You want to feel good: happier, more stable, clear and calm.

You want to reduce stress and anxiety so you can experience more joy.

You want to claim a life you love and feel that learning to meditate might help you do it.

 Come and learn Vedic Meditation in Venice at
Superba Meditation Center

A woman's profile wearing pink and holding flowers.

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is an eyes-closed practice which gives the body and mind an opportunity to experience a deep state of rest and repair, letting go of today's stresses and feeling refreshed. Practiced regularly over time, the body is able to let go of a lifetime of stress accumulation and more clarity, creativity, and calm become the norm.

I would say so far, at least 80% of my fatigue episodes have been either elimited or greatly decreased since learning Vedic Meditation. For me, this is literally life-changing: it's as though I've gotten back hours of my life that I'd frequently lose due to bring too lethargic to move.

Jodi, NYC
(has an immune disease which can cause extremely debilitating fatigue)

A guy doing a backflip off famous Venice Beach grafitti art wall.
Where does Vedic Meditation come from?

Vedic meditation originated in India and the principles of the Vedas have been taught for thousands of years. It has stood the test of time and people all over the world benefit from practicing this technique daily.  

A woman with a tika receives a blessing.
What exactly is the technique and how does one practice it?

Vedic Meditation is a silent mental technique performed for twenty minutes twice daily in a comfortable seated position. The practice is taught live and in person over a four day period by a teacher who has undergone extensive training. I happen to teach in Venice Beach, CA which makes it a win/win for you: come learn a potentially life-changing meditation technique, and then enjoy spending some time in this completely unique world destination.

I love how truly effortless Vedic Meditation is. You don't need special equipment, or a change of clothes, and you don't need to be at a specific place at a certain time. If you can find a place to sit, you can meditate. And, the payoff for such little effort is immense. I feel calm, clear and refreshed after every practice.

Jason, Brooklyn

A woman meditates while a dancer jumps over her.
Why do we need to meet in person?
Can you teach me over FaceTime or Zoom?

There are many things one can learn via FaceTime, Zoom, and YouTube,

but learning a profound meditation technique is not one of them. Guidance tailored to your specific experiences while learning the practice requires person to person attention and care. Anything that promotes positive change that can have true lasting power in our lives is enhanced by the quality of attention and energy that we give to it. Come to Venice.

A woman listens to another woman with a compassionate expression.
I'm interested. What do I do now?

If learning a meditation practice that has the potential to spark real personal transformation is meaningful to you, let's schedule a meeting. We will talk about what you are looking for in a meditation practice, what makes this the right time to learn, and how we will be working together. Any questions you have will be addressed.


This meeting is a prerequisite to the four day course.

Fill out the form below and let me know you are interested in learning more. Although I am based in the Los Angeles area, I do travel to other cities to teach.


I am looking forward to speaking with you!


Thanks for submitting!

©2024 Jamey Hood Meditation

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